Shawnee’s Drama Club is selling ads for its Spring Musical, 9 to 5 The Musical Advertisements will be displayed clearly and professionally in our programs. Program ads are an opportunity for you to promote your business to a large group of community members as well as help a non-profit organization. All ads are printed in black and white. However, each Sponsor can collect a program in full color.
The following is a list of advertising costs.
$30 quarter page
$50 half page
$100 full page
The musical will run April 11th -12th at Shawnee High School.
If you wish to take part in our production, you may contact the Director/ Drama Advisor, Trey Henderson. To upload your logo please fill out the Google Form from the QR Code. For checks please write out A BUSINESS Check to Shawnee High School, Memo Line: Musical. ATTN: Trey Henderson
Questions? Email-
Shawnee Drama Club is a non-profit, school related program. Please have ads in and paid for by March 14, 2025